Delivery Perfected.


Our Mission


Taking care of our bodies doesn't always seem as straightforward as it should be. You exercise, you eat right, you get plenty of sleep, and you take vitamins to fill all the gaps and maintain a healthy balance. So what if we told you that the vitamins you are taking now are letting you down?

It all comes down to bio-availability.

If your body isn't able to absorb the supplements you are taking, then you are wasting your money, time, and health. We here at Fortify.One don't like to waste anything. That is why we did our homework and created a multivitamin that not only gives you everything you need, but also delivers everything right to where you need it most.

Why Sublingual?

Sublingual vitamins bypass the stomach and are absorbed directly under the tongue into your blood stream. This delivery method is quicker and more effective than traditional swallow vitamins.

What People Are Saying


“I was probably spending $50 a month on my old vitamins. I spend less with Fortify.One and feel better about the nutrition.”

— Jenna D, 25

“Cost effective and I can feel the difference. Fortify.One fan all the way.”

— Ben A, 31

“After switching to sublingual vitamins I feel a lot more confident about my supplements. I’ve noticed I feel more quickly energized after taking a tablet than when I was swallowing the pill form. I’m a convert!”

— Kelly W, 34